Office Hours: 8:00am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm-4:30pm Monday through Friday

Board of Directors Elections



Local Authorities Election Act
(Sections 12, 35, 46, 53)
Irrigation Districts Act (Part 3)

Notice is hereby given that an election will be held for the filling of the following offices:

Office(s) Number of Vacancies Ward or Electoral Division Number
Director 1 Electoral Division 3 - Term Expires 2028
Includes all parcels of land with irrigation acres recorded on the assessment roll of the Bow River Irrigation District situated within Range 18 West of the Fourth Meridian, and within Townships 15, 16, and 17, Range 17 West of the Fourth Meridian.
Director 1 Electoral Division 5 - Term Expires 2028
Includes all parcels of land with irrigation acres recorded on the assessment roll of the Bow River Irrigation District situated within Townships 11, 12 and 13, Range 16 and 17 West of the Fourth Meridian.

Voting will take place on the 11th day of March, 2025, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

The voting stations will be located at:

Enchant Community Hall
127 Center Street
Enchant, Alberta
T0K 0V0


Bow River Irrigation District
704 7th Ave. N.
Vauxhall, Alberta
T0K 2K0

In order to vote, you must own land with irrigation acres in the Electoral Division. If you have irrigation acres in more than one of the seven Electoral Divisions in the District, you are eligible to vote only in elections for the Electoral Division in which you have the largest number of irrigation acres. You must provide government issued photo identification as required by section 53 of the Local Authorities Election Act.

DATED at the town of Vauxhall in the Province of Alberta, this 19th day of February, 2025

Richard Phillips, P. Eng.
General Manager
Bow River Irrigation District
Returning Officer


Kerby Redekop has been elected to the board by acclamation in Electoral Division 6


For your convenience, we have the following document in .pdf format:
Electoral Divisions Map